How to send your results |
It is very important that you submit your results following these instructions, strictly. If you do not send your results in the correct way, your result will probably not be included because the automated results processor won't see your result. You have been warned!
All result emails must be sent to
where 'R1' stands for round 1 (Australia). Replace 'R1' with the round of the result that you are submitting (for example, you would use 'R2' for the 2nd round, and so on).
Round: (round of the championship, i.e. 1-16) Series: (the championship you compete in: ACE, PRO or Beginner) Number: (your driver number) Driver: (your name) Team: (your team name) Qualify: (the time you achieved, for example: 1:21.098)
Note: The words before the the colons are keywords! You must not alter those keywords, otherwise you risk that your result will not be processed. So, please stick to the template above (you may find it useful to save it to disk so you can easily load it back up for your result mails).
Please stick to the 0:00.000 format when typing your lap time.
(Pro drivers would call it Logfile.P17 and so on, drivers from the Beginner series would name it Logfile.B17)
You must then archive the logfile with LZX or LHArc. Again, this file must be named correctly, using the same identifier as above:
QUAL_A17.lzx (or .lha)
would be the archive name for our hypothetical driver from the Ace series.
If your mailing software supports MIME (most mailers do, nowadays) simply attach this archive to the mail. If you don't have a MIME-capable mailer, you have to use a UUEncode program and insert the text that it produces into the mail - look at Aminet's util/arc directory to find one of those.
where 'R1' stands for round 1 (Australia). In the same way as for qualifying, replace 'R1' with the round of the result that you are submitting.
Round: (round of the championship) Series: (the championship you compete in, ACE, PRO or BEG) Number: (your driver number) Driver: (your name) Team: (your team name) Race: (the time of your race, for example: 1h23m45.678) FastestLap: (your fastest lap of the race, for example: 1:22.333)
Please stick to these formats for the times:
Fastest Lap: 0:00.000 Race time: - finished in the same lap as the leader of your race: 0h00m00.000 - lapped during your race 4 times but saw the chequered flag: -4 laps - retired in lap 20 (completed 19 laps): 19 laps
You have to give these files proper names, indicating which series you are competing in and which driver number you use. For a driver from the ACE series with number 17, the files should be named:
Description.A17 Logfile.A17 Replay.A17
(Pro drivers would call it Description.P17 and so on, drivers from Beginner would name it Description.B17 and so on)
You must then archive the files with LZX or LHArc. Again, the file archive file must be named correctly, using the identifier from above:
RACE_A17.lzx (or .lha)
would be the archive name for our hypothetical driver from the Ace series.
As with qualifying, you should attach the archive to the mail.